Saturday 17 November 2018

Chapter 110 : the Comrades Marathon : 1986 article : HOW TO RUN THE COMRADES


Before you start your first training run you must do certain things. First you need a philosophical base to you which is stable and sound. This is the rock upon which everything else is built. If you have emotional, work, social, financial or marital problems then go away and solve them first. Forget about the comrades. The comrades will not solve any of these problems. These problems will surface at the wrong time and prevent you achieving your goals.

Once your life is basically routine and mundane you can start to think about the Comrades. What you need now is a reason. A reason for running. It has to be a good reason. Write it down. If this reason is appropriate for you and consistent with your basic outlook on life then you can continue.
Next you must consider that there is absolutely no shame in not running the Comrades. You can achieve just as much in any field if you approach it with the same amount of time, courage, determination and honesty. There are many paths to the mountain top. A person who exercises regularly and is consistently fit and healthy is achieving more than someone who runs Comrades and rapidly retires.

If you still wish to proceed you need a plan. A realistic plan which will achieve your goal. If you are unfit and have no experience at road running you may find it difficult to write down a suitable training guide. You do not know what you are capable of and hopefully you will later find out that you are capable of things you never dreamed of. Conversely many beginners start off too optimistically and rarely fail to achieve their target and then become disillusioned. It is best to talk to as many people s possible and they will assist you with a realistic and attainable programme.

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