Sunday, 31 December 2023

Kill Her With Kindness


The latest song from Grandfather Alan.

Deep down inside of her

A hidden grain hibernates.

A tiny kernel of love.  

Sleeps snoozes and waits. 

Saturday, 9 December 2023

Does it matter whether I enjoy exercise?


I reprint sections of an article first printed:

ABC Health and Wellbeing: 17 Nov 2023.
Does it matter whether I enjoy exercise?
Exercise is important, whether you like it or not. It gets your blood pumping, strengthens your muscles and releases feel-good hormones.
It can lower your risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, bone disease and depression. It can improve your sleep and promote healthy ageing.
And it can be fun — right?
Well for some, exercise is just a means to an end. For others, they've got to enjoy exercise in order to do it at all.
So, what are the benefits of enjoying exercise? Is it worth searching for the right fit, to keep you fit?
Fun can help with consistency
Government guidelines encourage adults to be active most days, preferably every day.
They suggest at least 2.5 hours of moderate intensity activity each week, or at least 1.25 hours of vigorous activity each week.
But knowing government guidelines, and the health reasons behind them, might not be enough to keep you on track.
Movement researcher Matthew Bourke says we assume that informing people about the benefits of physical activity will be enough to motivate them to be more physically active.
"But what we're learning is that people aren't entirely rational," Dr Bourke says.
"What's more important potentially is how they feel while they're physically active."
Research supports this: One study found enjoyment was a better predictor of persistence than motivation in the absence of enjoyment.
This means motivators, like getting stronger or losing weight, weren't as successful as simply exercising for fun.
According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare; 2021, physical inactivity was the 9th leading preventable cause of ill health and premature death.
That includes mental ill health. Spending less time moving, even over the course of a single year, is linked to mood disturbances, increased stress and poorer sleep.
Conversely, spending more time moving can help ease the symptoms of depression, anxiety and distress.
Every time you exercise, as Dr. Bourke describes it, "it's like your brain is taking a bubble bath".
So while you don't need to enjoy exercise to receive its physical and mental benefits, Dr Bourke says more enjoyment does bring more gains.
"If we can make exercise feel like eating a whole block of chocolate," Dr Bourke says, "I think that's a good goal to aim for."
My subjective conclusion: Pickleball is good form of exercise. It is fun. It makes you healthier physically, emotionally and socially.

Monday, 20 November 2023

The Point to Pinnacle: And After


The P2P involves multitudes of volunteers and paid workers such as police.  The volunteers on the drink stations were all well aware and very helpful. Some of them I recognised. Thank you to all of you.

With the aid Mr Goggle I check the race results. The results give me a time of 3 hours 44 minutes and a positum of 1000. The last person came in 1004.

I have experienced everything. I’ve done it all. I have experienced all types of running. Running has helped me learn about myself.

Forty years ago, I ran a 90 minute half marathon in Pietermaritzburg. I have just finished a half marathon in 3 hours and 44 minutes.

Running has helped me learn how to be healthy. Physically, emotionally and socially.

Is it the world’s toughest half marathon?

How easy or difficult I find a race depends on my emotional, physical and social health; the weather; the food I eat before; my race plan and the course.

In the P2P I had social support and I was prepared. I knew what to expect. I had a good race plan. I ate well. Emotionally I was healthy though some people may debate this. The weather was perfect. For me the race was very steep. My legs were taken to their limits. I would say this is my steepest half M. As for toughest… 

The Point to Pinnacle: Back to the Race



I begin to catch up to walkers. The first walker I catch says to me: I’ve had enough. I’m done.

The next walker says: I’m over this.

I think: You are not over the mountain.

My running morphs into walk/run/shuffle/stumble.

Buses begin going down the mountain. A policeman says to me: Stay on the left-hand side of the road.

After about twenty kays a policeman says: We are going to finish at 11:40. If you are not at the finish then a bus will pick you up and take you down.

I decide to keep on moving. I will see where I finish up. If they take me off the road then big deal.

Surrounded by walkers the finish flags emerge.


The Point to Pinnacle: The Finish


I cross the finish line and say to the lady: I don’t know if my net time is good enough.

The lady gives me a medal and says: I am giving you a medal. Well done.

Her attitude was fantastic. Big thank you to her.

I then walk past stacks of bottled water and look for my gear bag.

A few buses wait. A man says they are all full of people; wait for the next bus.

I wear a jumper and sit on a rock. I congratulate a few people and we talk about the race.

When I ask: If you are doing to next year, they all groan and look at the sky. Nobody says can’t wait for next year.

A young guy near me says: My legs say no.

My reply is: Next week your legs will recover and your colleagues at work will say well done and you may start to think maybe…

One guy says: Not as fast as I wanted. I look around at all the exhausted legs and think. I think everybody up here would say: Not as fast as I wanted.  Everybody I see has sore legs, is wearing a medal and has learnt something about themselves.

We are all exhausted. Sitting or standing is an ordeal.

A group of schoolkids is very happy.  One of them asks me to take their photo which I am very happy to do. Their school excursion was a walk-up Mt Wellington.

Sitting on the rocks it is very windy. We ignore the view. We wait and after about half an hour a bus appears. 

We board the bus and it sways and slips down the mountain. I’ve eaten nothing but my stomach abhors the trip down. The trip down seems to last forever. Worse than the trip up. I vomit into my mouth, keep my mouth closed, swallow my feedback and feel better.

The Point to Pinnacle: The Race


Outside the Casino a crowd of people gathers. An invisible voice launches a series of warm-up exercises. All done with good humour. The crowd is happy, well-behaved and impatient to begin running.

I greet a few people I know from the running community.

I tell one: I would be happy to reach the pinnacle and be last one across the finish line. My aim is just to finish. Later that day I remember what I said.

Another person says: Only doing the Point to Pub.

My reply is: Don’t use the word only. The Point to Pub is an achievement you should be proud of.

The crowd inches towards the start line. I find myself at very back of the group. The race starts. The wave of runners actually running sweeps back. Eventually it reaches me and I jog carefully. I cross the start line about three minutes after the gun was fired.


Initially we run through the suburbs of Hobart. Traffic control people are ubiquitous. Sunday morning Hobart consists of runners, Hi-Vis jackets and unhappy motorists sitting in stationary cars.

I yell out to one of the multitudes of Hi-Vis jackets: Thank you for your work.

His reply: You are the one doing all the hard work.

Many people stand, watch and yell encouragement.  There are many young children watching.

The clouds think about showering but decide not to.

On The Mountain, I find myself running by myself surrounded by mist. The mist is spooky, beautiful and quiet.  Out of the mist emerges my favourite tree which is proudly blooming. Telopea Truncata shines brightly in the mist. I will remember that moment for ever.  

The Point to Pinnacle: The Mountain


Today: Us locals all call it The Mountain. We always look at The Mountain behind wisps of cloud to see how much snow is on it. We always look at The Mountain to tell us what weather is coming. 

1798: Bass and Flinders circumnavigated the island. They named Derwent River and Table Mountain.

1832: The Mountain was renamed Mt Wellington after the Duke of Wellington. He never saw The Mountain.

1895: Weather station began on the mountain.

-1900: Many recreational huts were built by the people of Hobart. Most were destroyed in 1967 by bushfires.

1934-1937: Road to the summit constructed to provide useful work for the unemployed in the Great Depression.

Recently: Some Tasmanians prefer to call The Mountain, Kunanyi. The Mountain lies somnolently. She is happy when people run, climb, walk or use her.  She is happy when people are active on her. Increasing their physical, social and emotional health.

Today:  Huts for visitors at the Springs, the Chalet and the summit.

The road is often closed above the Springs due to ice or snow.

At the summit there are transmission towers for radio and TV and a weather station.

The summit is, normally, the place for people, who brace themselves against the wind, and scurry between cars and shelters. 

The Point to Pinnacle: Before


I ask every runner who passes me. Are you doing the P2P?

Every runner knows of the P2P. The answers are either yes, coming up soon or no you must be kidding. It’s too tough.

My experience is it is a tough race. Doable but difficult. It is one race where your time is irrelevant. The race is so unique you cannot compare your time to any other 21 km race. Finishing is the only aim.

I train as per normal. I train on The Domain. That is hilly. I keep doing that. It’s hilly, close and pleasant. And pretty similar to the actual route.

When training I always look at The Mountain. The mountain sleeps indolently. It lies waiting and watching. It lies beneath her light covering of clouds challenging me to run up her. I can hear the somnolent mountain say: Good view from the top.

I pick up my number at a local running shop.

I notice gels.  Do I need food during the race? Do I need glucose? The packaging is professional and impressive. They must be good because they are well packaged. They might help and couldn’t harm. I buy a couple.


The weather on the day of the race is critical. The weather at the pinnacle is different from the weather at the point. Different worlds.

My app says Hobart Tomorrow: 8-12 am. Cloudy. Medium chance of showers. 10-20%.

Light winds. Maximum temp 21 degrees.

Mt Wellington Tomorrow: Cloudy. Medium chance of showers. 15-25%.

Light winds. Max temp 11 degrees.

After reading my weather app I devise a plan for tomorrow.

Wear normal running shorts and shirts. Don’t wear sunglasses or hearing aids. Carry a splash jacket and a cap for showers.

Place warm jacket in gear bag which I will put on when reaching the summit.  

The Point to Pinnacle


9/11/23 The Point to Pinnacle was run.  The Point to Pinnacle is a race from Wrest Point Casino to the pinnacle of Mt Wellington. In 2023 1000 people ran and 850 walked the complete distance of 21 kilometers. 1300 ran or walked part of the way. They stopped at the pub in Ferntree.

3150 people participated in the Point to Pinnacle in 2023.


Before talking about this year’s P2P we have to go back in time.


1968: The Labor Party, who was the governing party, asked the people of Tasmania if they wanted a legal casino.

The referendum question: Are you in favour of granting Federal Group the licence to operate a casino at Wrest Point?

Before the results of the referendum were known the Labor Government passed the bill legalising the casino.

The result of the Referendum agreed with the government.

53% voted yes.

47% voted no.

11% voted informal

Wrest Point Casino was the first legal casino in Australia. It replaced Wrest Point Hotel which was a popular and luxurious hotel built in 1939.

Wrest Point Casino is a 17-story tower topped with a revolving restaurant. The tallest building in Hobart.

1973: Wrest Point Casino opened for business.

1984: Conference Centre opened.

1996: Boardwalk began.

2017: The building was heritage listed. 

Today: The casino is an integral part of Hobart. The place for many school and community events.

Many people frequent the Casino to eat; drink; enjoy the views of the river and the mountain. Hobart is full of people who have gone to the Casino and have never gambled there.

1994: The first Point to Pinnacle fun run attracted 56 runners.

Alan Rider and Haydyn Nielson organized the initial run. The idea came to Alan Rider after walking from Lauderdale to the summit of Mt Wellington and back again.

Today: Marketed as the world’s toughest half marathon. 

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

1975: The Copenhagen City Heart Study began.

1975: The Copenhagen City Heart Study began. It followed 8577 people for 25 years; the sports they played; and their physical activity.


Results: Any physical activity resulted in increased life expectancy. The amount of increased life expectancy varied with the sport played.


Tennis: 9.7 years

Badminton 6.2 years

Soccer 4.7 years

Cycling 3.7 years

Swimming 3.4 years

Jogging 3.2 years

Calisthenics 3.1 years

Health Club Activities 1.5 years


The Copenhagen City Heart Study found that adults who played tennis or other racket sports lived longest.


Why is social sport better for you than solitary sport?


When you play pickleball you are exercising socially. You are becoming healthier socially.  

Playing pickleball you subconsciously watch your opponent. You watch where they move. You anticipate. You watch their shot. Your behaviour depends on other people on the court. You exercise socially as well as physically. 

The inability to alter your behaviour to fit in and match the people around you is a sign of poor social health and poor emotional health.


The Copenhagen City Heart Study has dramatically changed paradigms.  Many studies have flowed from this seminal study.

They all show the same thing. Physical, emotional, and social health are all related and all are important.



Wednesday, 9 August 2023

The Sound of Cricket

 Bang. I am woken by a very pleasant sound.  A cricket ball thumping into my bedroom wall. It’s going to be a good day.

I slowly wake. It’s no dream. It’s the sound of cricket.

The sound of Bruce playing cricket with a few of our neighbours.

I lie and listen to the sounds of cricket.

Let’s toss to see who bats first. Heads or tails.

Okay, you won the toss. Okay, you can either decide to bat or bowl or you can decide what team you want to be.

I’ll be Australia. Let’s play for the ashes.

That’s not fair. You are always Australia.

I won the toss fair and square. You can decide. Do you want to bat or bowl?

One bounce one hand.

Over the fence is six and out.

I dare you. Go the tonk.

That’s six and out.

Well worth it.   

That was just a windy woof.

You were lucky.

Catches win matches.

Your dog loves cow corner.

Leg before. How’s that?

Not out.

I challenge that. I’m going Decision Review. That was plumb.

The sounds permeate my room. Followed by images which flood my brain.

I am glad Bruce has someone to play with. I am glad he has found kids to play with.  

When he plays with others, he stops hitting the ball against the wall.  Bang. Bang. Bang. Continuously. Very annoying. The sound of kids laughing, yelling, screaming, crying, arguing and hitting the wicket is much nicer than the sound of a lonely ball.

Bruce even sleeps with a cricket bat in his bed. His bedroom wall has a picture of his hero. The latest Australian captain.

Then I hear the ball hit the wicket. Which is the rubbish bin. A big shout of clean bowled. The sound of the bat hitting the wicket. 

Bruce. I love you and your mates but time for me to go out and show you a little about cricket.

I slide the flywire door open and enter the field.

The players stand aside and wait for the new player.

I announce: Okay. I’ll now show you how to bat.

Okay Bruce you can open. You can open the innings. Put the pads on.

Hold the bat like this. No like this. Straight upright.

Now move your legs. Dance around the crease. You are a dancer. Watch the ball. Bat next to your pad. Don’t leave a gap. You can get bowled through the gap.  

Now your bat is there to protect your wicket. You can’t make any runs if you get bowled. To stop the ball hitting the wicket watch the ball. Watch the ball and then hit it with your bat.


When you hold the bat keep the bat straight upright. Move your feet, watch the ball, bat straight, move your bat. The golden rules. Practise the right way. Keep at it. Practise good habits. Don’t do the wrong thing. Don’t swing your bat like this.

I want you to know the right and wrong way to bat. Be aware of what you do. Look at yourself. If you do the right thing then do it again. 

Don’t give your wicket away. Keep your wicket and it will give you runs. You can’t make any runs from the grandstand.

You will need courage to face me. I’m not going to go easy on you. One day you will thank me.   

If you learn everything I tell you, you will know how to make a century or bowl a hatrick. Look, listen and learn.

Cricket is not what we see on TV. Twenty-twenty is not proper cricket.  Cricket is more than swinging wildly and belting the ball as hard as possible. Today I will teach you proper cricket.

Remember: Hold the bat straight, move your feet, watch the ball. One day you will play with a real ball. The way to play it is watch it. It is dangerous if you don’t watch it. If you watch it you will see where it goes.

Cricket is more than just a game. Cricket is life. If you ever have a problem; face it; look at it; look at it honestly; see what it is doing; then attack it. Belt it. Smash it into next week.

You'll face harder things than a cricket ball and you'll have two choices: Be frightened. Back away and get out. Attack with a forward step or pull the ball like this.

That's what cricket's all about.


I grab the bat and say: Okay. Now it’s my turn to bat. Look watch me. Look and learn. You can practice your bowling. Bowl as fast as you want. I can take it. Don’t go easy on me. Bowl your fastest. Work together. Team work.

As Bruce leans against the back fence. I ponder. I can see the future. Now we just have to replay what I have seen. I will defend. I won’t  belt it. I don’t want to destroy their confidence. They love cricket. I place my mark and take guard.

Bruce pushes off and pelts towards me. Arms and legs rotate twist and spin. Screams loudly as a ball shoots out of the whirling mass.  

I prod forward. The ball hits the rubbish bin. Bruce jumps with arms raised.

Bruce: First ball. Duck. That’s a golden duck.

They all do a high five. One of them holds a twig as a microphone and says to me: Can you tell us how to hold the bat, watch the ball and protect your wicket. Tell us all about that ball.

I let those comments go through to the keeper.

I replay that shot and say: You have just learnt something. In life and cricket, luck plays a part. I did everything right. I had good footwork. I watched the ball. Even Bradman was bowled for a duck. That was plain luck. Hit a crack. Just luck. 

Saturday, 29 July 2023


 We live in interesting times. In these interesting times I sometimes find myself with routine and commonplace responsibilities.  Like looking after grandchildren.

My goal today is to try and educate my grandchildren. I want them to learn something useful.

I wait for a brief pause in their chattering and say: Today’s lesson will be making bread.

They are ecstatic. We measure out five cups of flour. Mainly whole grain flour with a smidgen of gluten flour. I place 500 ml of water in the microwave for about 40 seconds. I guide them as they add a tablespoon of dry yeast, a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt to the tepid water. 

They can now do something they love. Mixing ingredients. They continue whisking as I add a couple of teaspoons of olive oil.  They then pour the liquid into the flour and stir it with a knife. We have to get the right consistency.  We want a ball of dough that we can knead.  If it’s too wet then we will have to dip the ball of dough into flour. If the dough is too dry then we will have to add water.

We finally get the dough at what I think is the right consistency.  It is now time to knead. The kids love kneading. Well so do I. We help each other to knead the dough.  We roll and roll the dough until it starts to develop some elasticity.  So that it hangs together. I ask them to imagine bubble gum bread. After about ten minutes we place the dough in a bowl. On top we place some glad wrap and a tea towel.

I ask them were should we put the bowl. They suggest in the sunlight where I normally put it. Time for a quick science lesson. I talk about the yeast. An organism that lives and grows in the dough. Yeast lives in water. It grows bigger and bigger then divides. The temperature of the water affects the speed at which this occurs. Yeast eats sugar and gives off gas as a by-product. The gas forms bubbles causing the dough to become bigger. They think the idea of eating food followed by gas hilarious. 

A few hours later I say: Time to attack the dough. 

We punch it, assault it and knock all the gas out of it. They find the idea of removing gas by punching is very funny. I now divide and separate the dough.

Kay says: Her piece is bigger than mine.

I immediately give her a bit of flour from my lump.  We all knead our lumps of dough. None of their finished lumps look perfectly symmetrical and neat. They all look better. Homemade and unique.

The lesson continues with art.  I ask them to make their roll look beautiful. Decorate your roll. They all put their initials on their roll.  One adds sesame seeds. The other adds poppy seeds and an almond.

Kay says to me: Why don’t you put your initials on your loaf?

Gertrude says: He doesn’t know how to. He’s brain damaged.

I ask them to, without playing, find a tray and a tin. They put their rolls on the tray and I put my loaf in the tin. We now wait for the dough to rise for a second time. When it doubles in size, we can cook it. I open the hot oven and carefully watch as they place the tray in the oven. I ask them to look at the clock and tell me where the big hand will be in twenty minutes.

The lesson continues with a new topic: Why does a loaf of bread take longer to cook than a smaller roll? We discuss this and after twenty minutes I ask them to stand back as I take out the rolls. 

The lesson continues with plating up of food.

I ask them: What do you want on your bread?

Gertrude knows that she always has margarine on her roll. Kay knows that she always has honey and jam on her roll. They both know how to prepare their roll correctly. The lesson finishes when they eat their freshly cooked and buttered roll. They pass with honours.


Basic Facts



Flour: 3/4/5 cups. 250ml per cup.

Tepid Water: Body temperature. 100ml of water per cup of flour.

Dried yeast: Tablespoon

Bread improver: Half teaspoon

Sugar: Tablespoon

Salt: Teaspoon

Oil: Tablespoon per cup of flour. Nut Oil or Olive Oil.


Mix ingredients. Knead until a warm dough.

Let stand until about twice as big. About 2/3 hours.

Knock back.

Place in tins.

Let rise for second time. About 15 minutes.

Cook in pre-heated oven.

45 minutes at 175 Degrees C. 

Saturday, 22 July 2023

Health Department: Health

 Q: How much does Heath Department spend on health?

A: The total spend is $12.1 billion over the next four years.

This translates as between 2,700 million and 3,000 million next year.


Q: How much will the stadium cost?

A: State Government to pay 375 million.


Q: How will the Stadium benefit and improve the health of Tasmanians.

A: The stadium will encourage and inspire Tasmanians to be physically healthier. To get and play sport. The AFL will put money into grass-roots football.  

A: The stadium will improve the emotional and social health of  Tasmanians.


Direct quote from the ABC says: Loneliness is as deadly as smoking half a packet of cigarettes a day, and increases the risk of death by 26 percent.

It's linked with an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia and mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Monday, 19 June 2023

 Mel Carlton: Posted on Facebook


This week at Northern Suburbs Pickleball we had 75 people play at YMCA / Moonah and Cadbury Tennis courts.


Congratulations to everyone who competed at the State Open last weekend. Quite a few of our members and familiar faces featured across the weekend.

No doubt I've missed someone - please let me know so I can update the list.

Mens Doubles

Michael Philpott and Chucky Wall - Gold Medal

Don Ryan and Ross Woollard - Silver Medal

Jason McLeod and R Klein

Alan Carlton (aka Dad) and Dave Emmett

Womens Doubles

Laurene Mandelson and Kathy Brown (Bronze Medal)

Annette Steele and Raylene Watson (Bronze Medal)

Lisa Mckay and Kerri Philpott

Gaye Bowden and Sue Costelloe

Sue Headley and Rosie Sweenie

Mixed Doubles

Don Ryan and Robecca Sinclar (Gold Medal)

Chucky Wall and Anita Smith (Gold Medal)

Caroline Murtagh and Murray Limbrick (Silver Medal)

Annette Steele and Glenn Wheeler (Bronze Medal)

Dave Emmett and Lisa Mckay

Kerri Philpott and Michael Philpott

Jason and R. Blundell

Alan Carlton and Anne McLean


Sue Headley - Bronze

Kerri Philpott

Michael Philpott

Jason McLeod

Laurene Mandelson

Thanks also to everyone who came down to watch and support the players - it was great to see you in the stands!

Alan Carlton: Posted on Facebook

Mel (aka Mel with an e),

Thank you for the post about the State Championships.

Congratulations to all medal winners. Well done.

I did not win a medal. I won in other ways:

I had the pleasure of playing with my partners Anne and David. Thank you.

I had the pleasure of meeting and playing against people keen to play pickleball. Thank you.

I had the pleasure of watching games involving my fellow competitors. Many of the games were close, spectacular, and entertaining to watch. Thank you.

I noticed many volunteers with their clipboards and I saw some of what you did. I’m sure you did a lot of unseen work both before and at the weekend. You helped make the State Championships successful. Thank you.

Monday, 29 May 2023

Giving pickleball a serve

 After playing for years of playing pickleball I am under the impression that there is much confusion and misunderstanding about the serving rule.


After reading the official rules I have noted:


Before you serve you must call out the score. If the server does not call out the score it is a fault.

After calling out the score you have ten seconds before your paddle hits the ball. You can call the score while throwing up the ball provided you finish talking before your paddle hits the ball.

When you serve your feet must be behind the line. No touching the line. You can have one foot in the air and above the court.

You can hit a serve with spin. The spin cannot come from your hand. It must come from the paddle.

If you serve underhand with the paddle head below your wrist the serve will almost always be legal.

A drop serve lives up to its name. The ball must be dropped.

The serve must clear the kitchen and the kitchen line. The serve is in play if it hits any other service court line.





Summary of the official pickleball rules.  

The entire score must be called before the ball is served. By the server or their partner.

The serve is a fault if the server’s paddle has made contact with the pickleball for the serve prior to the entire score being called.

Once the score has been called, the server is allowed 10 seconds to serve the ball.

The serve is initiated with at least one foot behind the baseline; neither foot may contact the baseline or court until after the ball is struck.

At least one foot must be on the playing surface behind the baseline.

Neither of the server’s feet may touch the court on or inside the baseline.

Neither of the server’s feet may touch the playing surface outside the imaginary extension of the sideline or centreline.

The serve shall be made with only one hand releasing the ball. While some natural rotation of the ball is expected during any release of the ball from the hand, the server shall not impart manipulation or spin on the ball with any part of the body immediately

The serve must be made underhand.

Paddle contact with the ball must be below the server’s waist (navel level).

The server’s arm must be moving in an upward arc at the time the ball is struck with the paddle.

The highest point of the paddle head must not be above the highest part of the wrist (where the wrist joint bends) when the paddle strikes the ball.

The server must serve to the correct service court (the court diagonally opposite the server). The serve may clear or touch the net and must clear the NVZ and the NVZ lines. The serve may land on any other service court line.


The Volley Serve. 

The volley serve is made by striking the ball without bouncing the ball off the playing surface and can be made with either a forehand or backhand motion.

The Drop Serve.

Pickleball drop serve, you must drop or release the pickleball from any natural height, either by using your hand or letting the pickleball roll off of your paddle, and then hit the pickleball with your paddle after the pickleball bounces on the court. 

The ball shall not be propelled (thrown) downward or tossed or hit upward with the paddle.

Any player may use their paddle to perform the drop serve. A player who has the use of only one hand may also use their paddle to release the ball to perform the volley serve.

The drop serve may bounce multiple times before making contact.

You may pick up the pickleball and re-drop the pickleball if you do not like the drop as many times as you’d like (as long as you still hit your serve within 10 seconds after the score has been called).

Sunday, 21 May 2023

City 2 Casino

 The City2Casino is Tasmania's oldest fun run: 2023 is event number 50.

Its genesis was in 1973 when the casino was built. The C2C followed the City2Surf which began in Sydney in September 1971. Which was inspired by the Bay to Breakers in San Francisco.

Talking about it, before and after, it makes me feel part of my community.  It connects me with the other running legs.  It connects me with all the people who have run in previous years.

I connect with all these people who are different and doing the same thing. Some who enter will train specifically for it.  Others will play basketball, pickleball or go to the gym.  Everybody will enter for a different reason.

On race day all the jogging legs will pass the same landmarks and arrived there via different means.

I want to have that moment when my mind and my body are one. To have that moment when I am thinking of nothing but running. That moment when I am so consumed with running, I know nothing about the future or the past. To be in the zone. To proudly run across the finish line.

Cornelian Bay:  On the day people appear from nowhere.  People stretching, leaning and running on the spot. Groups jumping or jogging as they talk.  Because of the weather most people are impatient to begin running.

The road is covered with runners. Everybody is united by wearing different clothes: skin tight lycra; loose fitting baggy pants; track suits; jumpers; singlets or shirts asking to be read. Most people have gone with warm jackets, jumpers and long pants. Many numbers are hidden behind an extra layer.  

We huddle united on the road. Occasionally peering forwards.

What I don’t see are the back stories. Behind everybody there is a great story. A story about why they are here.  What they are trying to achieve.  What time they are aiming for. And why. What they have had to overcome to get here. What has helped them? What motivates them?  What is the story of their life?

A gun fires and people, in the front, start to run. I don’t. I shuffle and walk. Should I start to run?  Some people are walking. Others jogging on the spot.

The running contagion eventually spreads back and reaches us. We hesitate, just to be sure, and then start to run. We are careful and completely aware of all our surrounding runners. We don’t want any collisions. After a time of shuffling, weaving, and walking we stuttering across the start line.  

Some people passing the start line reach for their watches and push a button.

After the start line we head up the hill towards the Domain. We are going through a very familiar spot which today feels completely different. The centipede of legs changes the Botanical gardens, Government house and the old Beaumaris Zoo site. They look and feel different.

The running peloton is quiet. Very little talking. I can hear feet smacking the ground. I can hear breathing.  Running styles vary. Some are jerky. Some are smooth. Some pump their arms furiously. Some rest their arms and make enormous strides.

The weather is windy. Near the gardens a shower suddenly appears. I button up my jacket and put my cap on.

Past the start of Soldiers Memorial Avenue. This is what these men were fighting for. The right of the local community to freely gather and play.    

The showers stop and the sun shines. I wrap my jacket around my waist. I smell the finish line and pretend to sprint. The finish line is a bump in the road and an air-filled blown-up gate. Which silently talks to my timing chip.

I stop running and lean on my knees breathing deeply. Us runners form a conga line and walk forward behind the Casino.

Eventually we see a man holding many medallions. He gives me my special medallion.  Everybody else gets the same medallion.

Why did I run? Where does the pleasure come from? It doesn’t come from being the best or winning or beating other people. It must come from the feeling you get when you run. The enjoyment of physical movement. The wind in your hair. Being an intimate part of the weather.

I eat breakfast with some of my family. My grandson wears a medal around his neck but I know where his pleasure comes from. Serving yourself a cooked breakfast.

And the fellow runners. They were relaxed, self-confident, polite, purposeful and active. They were not boastful, flamboyant, arrogant, deceitful or unhappy.  They are honestly pursuing what was best for themselves and best for Hobart. And the very special legs were the ones running in events number 1 and 50. 

Sunday, 23 April 2023

She is perfect

 I have just recorded and uploaded a song.


With most songs, I have been involved with, my aim is for them to contain the essence of truth. True emotions and true passions of people living here and now.

This song is written in the first person. That does not mean that the song is a true recollection of what I actually did. The song is fiction.

To hear the song click on the photo.

Wednesday, 5 April 2023

Kick and Spin

Saturday night.

All feels right.

The turntables spin.

Come on in.

If you want to kick and spin click on the image below to listen on Soundcloud.