Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Chapter 32: A few quick questions for the Neurologist

Dr DJ,

I wish to thank you for your work. Thank you for the time you spent. For your caring, compassionate nature and for your knowledge about such an incredibly, difficult subject. A subject which often has no simple easy solutions.  Thank you also for dealing with my family. You actually had to deal with them more than me. Thank you.  I am due to see you next Thursday. I have written a few questions that hopefully will get the conversation going.  Hopefully they are all questions you were planning on answering and you don’t need me to tell you what to talk about.

What happened on the night (7/10/15) I collapsed? What is the diagnosis?

Will it happen again?

Are there any pre-existing conditions present at the moment?

My recovery. What factor has played the biggest part in it? In the future what should I do/not do in order to aid my continued rehabilitation?

Is there any permanent damage?

Are there any genetic factors?

How long will it take for the brain to reach the point where it cannot repair any further?

Medications?  What is the future and for me and the medication (levetiracetam 500 mg bd) which I am taking at present?

Running another marathon? Any comments?  I ran one in 7/15 which went well.

Fish oil? Is it recommended?

The recent lumbar puncture and the MRI. Can I have copies of the results?

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