Tuesday 1 September 2020

Chapter 268: Kay's face shines and sparkles

 In the supermarket between the dark, gloomy shelves overflowing with packets and cans there is one gleaming, bright light.

It is Kay’s face. Her face shines and sparkles as she dances in the aisle between cereal boxes and soup packets.

Her smile is relaxed, happy and unforced as she spins in the aisle. She raises her hands above her head and claps her hands.

I can’t resist. I spin awkwardly and raise my hands and clap clumsily. I keep on clapping as I keep on spinning. Kay’s smile does the impossible. It becomes bigger.

Behind Kay a pair of adults push a trolley around the canned tomato pyramidal sculpture and enter our aisle.  They see me dancing, stop and laugh. They then give each other a private little glance and continue laughing. I have just embarrassed myself. Time to stop dancing.

As I slow down I see Kay. She glows. She is enjoying dancing. She is having a great time.  She enjoys having other people look at her.  I keep on dancing. If I keep on dancing I can help make Kay happy and maybe make other people laugh.

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