Thursday 4 February 2021

Chapter 302: Pickleball Serve

 Lately the drop serve has been a popular topic.

The drop serve was bought in to make it easier for a small number of  people. People who only have one fully functioning arm find the normal serve difficult. They find a drop serve much easier.

If you can serve adequately with a normal serve then ignore the drop serve. You do not need to use it or learn how to use it.

The aim of a serve is to start the game. In pickleball the serve rules are designed to eliminate games being dominated by a good serve or good serve and volley. In pickleball the serve should not be an offensive weapon.


The  basic rules of a normal serve are:

1              Contact with the ball must be below the waist. The waist is defined as being the navel.

2              When the paddle hits the ball the paddle must moving up.

3              When the ball hits the paddle the paddle should be below the wrist.

4              If ball hits the net play continues. No replay of serve that hits the net. After hitting the net the ball either lands in the service court or is called a fault.


Other rules of a normal serve are:

1              Serve to diagonally opposite service court.

2              Serve behind baseline between centre line and sidelines. Behind not touching the baseline.

3              After score is called you have 10 seconds in which to serve.


The basic rules of a drop serve are:

1              Release ball or let ball roll off paddle. Don’t throw it up or propel it down. You can let it drop from as high as you can.

2              Hit the ball after it bounces.

3              Ball can bounce anywhere. The ball can bounce twice.

4              Normal service rules don’t apply. Rules such as contact below waist, upward arch, paddle below wrist. You can put different spin on the serve.

5              Feet must be behind baseline.

6              You can alternate serves or change from drop serve to normal serve or vice versa at any time.

7              You can drop the ball for a drop serve. Change your mind. Catch the ball and serve normally.



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