Thursday, 15 April 2021

Postcard from Katherine

Tour guide: Europeans came here and within a few years 90% of the NT was grazing leases.

Some land has been given back to traditional owners. Took 11 years at Katherine. The local aborigines had to show others the sacred sites, prove they had knowledge of the area.

The aboriginal owned land gave the National Parks a 99-year lease to manage Nitmiluk National Park. National Parks manages all tours, flora and fauna including feral animals. National Parks consult with the traditional owners. 

Katherine was named after the daughter of a sponsor of an early explorer.

Chambers paid for the expedition of an early explorer. One of his daughters was called Katherine. Katherine is a nice name but Katherine River already had a name. For thousands of years. Katherine River was called Nitmiluk which translates as cicada place. The name described the place and told people what to look for.

Rock art was for visiting tribes. Told them which sites were sacred. What foods to eat and when.

During Burr or Dreamtime, the world was made and laws were given. Places were named. Sacred sites and sites to avoid were told. Language was given. Ways to behave with other tribes as given. 

Bula: The creator. Came from up north. Changed the landscape because of what he did. Left his image in rock art.

An aboriginal dreamtime story:

The serpent Bolung was made to be a river.  Needs to be respected.

Bolung the Rainbow Serpent lives in the deep green pools of the second gorge. No fishing in these pools. No drinking water from these pools. Pregnant women and new initiates may not swim in the Katherine River. If they, do you will get monsoons and floods.

Nitmiluk is so good its been on TV. On amazing race and MasterChef. That how good this place is. Even been on TV.

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