Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Japan: Day 3

 Today we do Bonsai.


One of my heads thinks Bonsai is deformed, stunted and unhappy plants. I prefer plants as an indispensable part of a sustainable environment. I love plants that provide safety and food for fauna. Plants that need fauna for food in order to reproduce.

My other head thinks of the people living midst of Tokyo. To them a potted bonsai is a thing of beauty and a connection with the natural environment.


We also visit a local shrine.
People wander in. No official day or time.

Guide: People go to shrine when they want help. Having exams or stress. Go and ask the Gods for help.
Family cemeteries surround the shrine.
Goes to oldest son. He maintains the family plot.
Shinto worship ancestors. Many have a shrine in their home. Every morning respects to ancestors before leaving home.
Most live as Shinto and die buried as Buddhist.

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