Friday 25 June 2021

Postcard from Bungle Bungle: Helicopter flight


Bungle Bungle tells me. You get an amazing view of me in a helicopter.

The helicopter doesn’t contain a thesaurus. I have to use standard words like amazing, stunning, breathtaking, unbelievable.


After the helicopter trip I notice I have lost my sunglasses.

Ah well. It is the hand I have been dealt. Must play with it.

Mrs. C: I’ll lend you my extra sunglasses until we buy more.


Back at the lodge I am given my sunglasses. They were found on the helicopter. I am stunned by such service. Running through the heat to give lunch to one guy and now giving me back my sunglasses.

I gravitate towards the incredible staff. I discover that one of the staff lives during wet season down near Hobart. We talk about a place near Hobart and discover we actually know similar people in the real world.


Our last night in Bungle Bungle.

We have drinks and a few snacks at Sunset Spot.

End of school atmosphere. Jovial. Lots of smiles and laughter.

Many photos are taken.

On the bus back to our camp spontaneous singing. America Pie. Sound of Music.

One guy stands up and tells a joke. The bus sways; He has been drinking; He remembers the joke; He hits the punch line. Right where it deserves to be hit. An amazing performance by a non-professional comedian.


Morning breakfast at 5:00am. Subdued. Polite. Respectful.

Me: Perfect breakfast. Fruit, cooked breakfast, tea, coffee, table settings.

Tourist: Not perfect breakfast. A mozzie just bit me.


We board the bus early. Rocking, rolling, twisting and turning. Few cows. Kangaroos. Many self-drive vehicles piled high and towing everything including, bikes, a canoe, BBQ, chairs and the kitchen sink.

Bus hits bitumen. Speeds up. Straight road. We shoot forward through the untidy scrub; beneath the clear blue sky.

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